Learning System

UT as a university that implements distance learning, uses a guided independent learning system for all its students. The term distance learning means that learning is not done face-to-face, but rather using media, both printed media (modules) and non-printed (audio/video, computer/internet, radio broadcasts, and television). The guided independent learning system is an innovative approach to education offered by Universitas Terbuka. In this system, students will have access to various educational resources, including online learning materials, digital textbooks, learning videos, and others. Students have the flexibility to learn according to their own rhythm and learning style, while still receiving targeted guidance from tutors or lecturers. Tutors or lecturers will provide guidance, provide additional explanations, and answer questions that may arise during the learning process. This interaction can take place through various channels, including learning assistance services provided by UT, online meetings, or direct communication via messages. This creates a more personal and comfortable learning experience, allowing students to achieve academic achievements more effectively and efficiently. In addition, this system also offers a variety of assessment tools to measure students’ understanding and progress, such as Coursework, Online Exams, Take Home Exams, and so on.

UT, like other universities, also implements a semester credit system (SKS) to determine students’ study load. In this system, the study load that must be completed in one study program is measured in semester credit units (SKS). Each course is given a weight of 1-6 credits. One semester is a unit of time for learning activities for 16 weeks. At UT, one credit is equivalent to three printed learning material modules. One module consists of 40-50 pages, so that learning materials with a weight of 3 credits range from 360-450 pages, depending on the type of course. With a learning system like this, UT students are expected to allocate study time according to the credit load taken or take a credit load each semester according to the study time that can be allocated, as well as considering each person’s academic abilities. Ideally, the time allocation that must be provided by UT students when taking one credit is 32 hours per semester so that at least they must study independently for two hours per week per credit. This calculation is based on the time allocation used in face-to-face higher education.