
to Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

Why FKIP Universitas Terbuka ?
State Campus Accredited Affordable Flexible
Come on, what are you waiting for, register now

“Making Higher Education Open to All”

Reaching the Unreachable

The Open University is spread and reaches the entire community for the realization of higher education for all.

State University

It is a State University


PTN with affordable UKT

Flexible Tuition

Choose your own college style

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

It is one of the faculties at the Open University (UT) which provides educational services for students who have worked as teachers (in-service training) or other teaching staff. Education is carried out using a distance learning system (SBJJ). All programs offered by FKIP-UT have received official permission from the Director General of Higher Education.

F. G. D.

FKIP Good Discussion

FKIP UT in their eyes

"Aku ini kuliah S1 di perguruan tinggi swasta. Karena ingin kuliah di negeri, aku ambil lagi S1 di UT. Begitu masuk UT aku merasakan kampus ini luar biasa. Hanya yang punya kemampuan intelektual di atas rata-rata bisa kuliah di sini karena cara belajarnya itu mandiri, disiplin, dan konsisten."

Tamara Geraldine Presenter, Penulis

"UT memberikan aku kebebasan. Tidak ada tekanan, aku belajarnya enjoy."

Joshua Suherman Artist

"Di dalam mobil aku suka buka modul di laptop jadi enggak perlu bawa diktat tebal"

Bayu Oktara Presenter

"Universitas Terbuka luar biasa bersih dan tertata baik, UT merupakan universitas yang dapat menjangkau semua mahasiswa dimanapun dan UT adalah salah satu pilihan utama bagi yang sibuk bekerja. Sudah saatnya kita masuk kedalam sistem pembelajaran yang memudahkan dengan teknologi."

Dewi Hughes Presenter, Penulis, Aktivis



Latihan Mandiri


Pustaka Digital


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