Program Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

UT Moocs is a revolution in online learning that frees up access to high-quality knowledge for anyone, anywhere. With UT Moocs, in addition to exploring the world of interactive learning that covers a variety of courses from various disciplines, you will also receive an official certificate upon completion of the course. Not only does it provide the flexibility to take classes at your own pace and incredible interactivity, UT Moocs also provides a collaborative learning experience through discussions with fellow participants from all over the world. With UT Moocs, not only will you gain knowledge, but you will also have the opportunity to strengthen your qualifications and improve your career prospects with the support of official recognition from Universitas Terbuka.

Indonesian for Foreign Speakers (BIPA UT)

BIPA UT is a program for individuals from various countries to understand and master the Indonesian language and culture. Through innovative and interactive learning methods, this program allows participants to experience the richness of the Indonesian language with interesting modules. Not only that, the BIPA UT program also provides awards in the form of official certificates to participants who successfully complete the program, providing formal recognition of the language competency that has been achieved. Thus, the BIPA UT program is a bridge to a deeper understanding of Indonesia and new opportunities in mastering this rich and diverse language.

Independent Course Program (PMKM)

PMKM is a unique concept offered by UT to UT students, students of partner universities, and the public to study at UT. In this program, students and the general public have the freedom to choose and register for courses that suit their interests and needs without having to register for a particular study program. Each course is equipped with a comprehensively designed learning module, including reading materials, learning videos, assignments, and interactions with tutors. Students study independently, set their own learning schedules, and access learning resources through UT's online platform. PMKM provides high flexibility, allowing students to study at their own pace and learning style. What is very interesting about this program is that PMKM courses can be transferred if PMKM participants wish to become students in one of the study programs at UT by following the applicable credit transfer provisions.