Ready to Launch Masters Level, FKIP UT Educational Technology Study Program Finalizes Interactive Teaching Materials (BAI) with Experts

The development of technology in the world of education requires academics to also update developments and innovate in their learning processes. The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Terbuka (FKIP UT) has offered the Educational Technology Undergraduate Study Program (TPEN Study Program) in the last six years. The TPEN Study Program has graduated three classes until 2024. Based on information from the graduates, they stated the need for further study in the same field of science at a higher level. In addition, a feasibility study conducted by FKIP UT regarding market needs for the TPEN Masters Study Program also showed high public interest in the program. In response to the public’s request, FKIP UT is preparing to open the TPEN Masters Study Program which is planned to be launched in 2025. One of the activities carried out is a workshop on finalizing the writing of the main material book (BMP) which is the main teaching material for students. This workshop was organized by the TPEN Masters Study Program preparation team chaired by Dr. Andy Sapta, M.Pd., M.Sc., in collaboration with the UT FKIP Teaching Materials Task Force (30/09/24 to 01/10/24). The purpose of this activity is to ensure that all materials compiled in the BMP not only meet academic standards, but are also presented in an interactive format that can support distance learning effectively. The workshop, which was held for three days, took place in the Mahoni Room, Wisma III UT. This activity presented Prof. Atwi Suparman, the former Rector of UT as a resource person for Educational Technology (TP) experts and was attended by experts as BMP writers from various leading universities in Indonesia. Among the participants were experienced TP figures with high reputations, such as Prof. Richardus Eko Indrajit from Pradita University, Prof. Harry Budi Santoso from the University of Indonesia, as well as several TP and Distance Learning (PTTJJ) experts from UT such as: Prof. Suciati, Prof. Benny Pribadi Prof. Aminudin Zuhairi from Universitas Terbuka.

This workshop was officially opened by the Dean of FKIP UT, who on that occasion was represented by the Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Learning Services, and Cooperation (WD III) FKIP UT, Dr. Lidwina Sri Ardiasih, M.Ed. In her remarks, WD III expressed her deep appreciation to all authors who have committed to being involved in the BMP development process for the TPEN UT Masters Study Program. She also emphasized the importance of solid cooperation between authors and the development team, so that each BMP can be completed properly and on time.

Also present on that occasion was the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs (WR I) UT, Dr. Mohamad Yunus, M.A. on the sidelines of attending other workshops at the same location. WR I expressed her gratitude to Prof. Atwi who has been tireless in preparing the development of this new study program. WR I also motivated all authors to stay focused on the process. The workshop was continued with a presentation session by Prof. Dr. M. Atwi Suparman, M.Sc. In this session, Prof. Atwi discussed in depth the techniques for writing effective BMPs, especially those that are in accordance with the characteristics of self-learning materials used at Universitas Terbuka. He explained that BMPs must be designed in such a way that students can learn independently with minimal assistance from lecturers, so that the material must be arranged in clear, systematic language, and supported by interesting interactive elements.

Prof. Atwi also emphasized the importance of a logical and balanced material delivery structure, where each module must guide students through measurable learning stages, from understanding basic concepts to practical applications. He emphasized that the preparation of BMPs for distance learning requires a special strategy that not only includes the delivery of information, but also encourages active student involvement in the learning process.

The hope of this activity is to create teaching materials that are not only in accordance with academic needs, but can also significantly improve students’ learning experiences. By involving experienced writers from various relevant backgrounds, this workshop seeks to ensure that the BMPs produced are able to reflect high quality standards and are relevant to current developments in science and educational technology.