Prepare Online Learning Materials, FKIP UT Holds Tutorial Material Development Workshop (BATUT)

The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Open University (FKIP UT) as a faculty with a distance learning system has an important role in producing superior and competitive teachers. Therefore, FKIP UT needs to continue to review the quality of teaching materials provided to students. In the context of distance higher education, the development of tutorial kits and tutorial materials is crucial in providing optimal learning services so that graduates are achieved as expected. After holding a tutorial kit development workshop (kitut) last July, FKIP invited tutorial material developers (batut) to a hybrid Tutorial Material Development Workshop (29-31/08/2024).

The purpose of this workshop is to 1) align the perceptions of tutorial material developers, 2) improve developers’ understanding of the basic concepts and principles in developing tutorial materials, 3) strengthen developers’ competence in designing communicative, varied and meaningful tutorial activities, and 4) build a collaborative network between workshop participants to exchange experiences, knowledge, and best practices in developing tutorial kits and materials. This workshop is expected to produce quality, standardized tutorial materials that can improve the achievement of learning outcomes from each course developed. In addition, this workshop activity is also expected to be able to initiate cooperation and collaboration between workshop participants to support improving the quality of learning services and preparing quality graduates. Thus, this workshop is expected to provide a significant contribution to improving the quality of learning services at FKIP UT.

The development of the course was carried out after the course was finalized and reviewed by reviewers appointed by the head of each study program. The workshop was attended by 89 courses that were developed by courses, both by developers from within UT or from partner universities/institutions. The opening was held at the UT Quality Building, 3rd Floor. The opening of the workshop was carried out in a hybrid manner with remarks and the opening of the activity by the Dean of FKIP UT who in this case was represented by the Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Learning Services, and Cooperation of FKIP UT, Dr. Lidwina Sri Ardiasih, M.Ed. This workshop presented Dr. Kartono, M.Sc. as the Head of the Learning Management Center (P3B) as a resource person. The activity which lasted for 3 days was attended by developers who were accompanied directly by their respective course managers with enthusiasm. The results of this workshop are in the form of tutorial materials, most of which will be used in the new curriculum in 2025.