Role and Function of Academic Supervisor

In order to support the smooth running of student studies and strengthen students' enthusiasm for learning as well as the spirit of innovation and achievement while actively studying at UT, the Study Program is expected to provide an Academic Advisor for each student. An Academic Advisor or PA is a lecturer who is appointed and assigned the task of guiding a group of students who aim to help students complete their studies as quickly and efficiently as possible according to the conditions and individual potential of the students.

Student guidance activities can be carried out face-to-face or virtually through various communication platforms available at UT, including Email, Form, Teams, and/or Yammer. The use of these platforms and not recommending the use of other platforms such as WhatsApp groups is intended so that communication activities are recorded properly by the information system at UT.



  1. Understand the potential abilities that he/she has and utilize that potential as best as possible in following and completing his/her studies.

  2. Understand the obstacles and difficulties that he/she faces and be able to solve or overcome them appropriately so that the obstacles and difficulties do not become obstacles in following and completing his/her studies. Understand and utilize the guidance provided to overcome difficulties.

  3. Understand and utilize the guidance provided to overcome difficulties.

To facilitate the guidance process, students and Academic Advisors must know what the functions, authorities and obligations of Academic Advisors are. This knowledge is expected to help students and PAs to be able to carry out guidance communication well and constructively.



An Academic Advisor must be able to function well in assisting students, at least, in the following activities.

  1. Prepare a study plan from the first semester until the student completes his/her studies.

  2. Provide considerations regarding courses (compulsory and elective) that can be taken in the upcoming semester to the students under his/her guidance by understanding their learning needs.

  3. Provide considerations regarding the number of credits that can be taken in the upcoming semester according to the success of the study in the previous semester.

  4. Helping students channel their interests and talents to improve their academic abilities, including building a Community of Practice developed in the culture and mission of the FKIP-UT Program.

  5. Helping students understand lecture materials and the benefits of studying the knowledge they take.



  1. Providing advice to students they supervise.

  2. Helping solve academic problems of students they supervise.

  3. Helping students develop their academic abilities.

  4. Helping overcome problems that hinder the smooth study of students they supervise.

  5. Forwarding student problems that are not within their authority to those who are authorized to handle the problem.

  6. Assisting students in determining topics for scientific works (Final Assignment/Thesis).



  1. Have broad academic insight in the form of mastery of the program curriculum followed by the students under his guidance.

  2. Understand and comprehend the academic situation of his department/section and other related departments/sections.

  3. Know various student programs.

  4. Determine and schedule meetings with his students under his guidance regularly.

  5. Establish academic and professional closeness with his students under his guidance.

  6. Follow, observe, and direct the development of the studies of the students under his guidance periodically.

  7. Record and evaluate the programs undertaken by the students under his guidance periodically.

  8. Report the results of the guidance activities to the Dean through the Vice Dean 1, to be issued an Academic Guidance Decree.

  9. If leaving the assignment, the PA must report to the Head of the Study Program/Department/Vice Dean for Academic Affairs/Dean.

South Tangerang, April 2021



Dr. Ucu Rahayu, M.Sc.
NIP 19671110 199203 2002



  1. For FKIP Lecturers in UPBJJ or External Units of Satminkal, the Assignment Letter can be proposed by the Head of the Unit concerned addressed to the Dean to be issued an Assignment Letter as PA.2

  2. For more detailed information on PA reporting, please contact the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs.