BALI, 30/11/2022 The International Conference on Innovation in Open and Distance Learning (INNODEL) is the 2nd annual activity held on the world tourist destination city, Denpasar, Bali, which combines the richness of its cultural aspects. This activity was opened directly by the Rector of Universitas Terbuka (UT), Prof. Ojat Darojat, M. Bus, PhD.
In his remarks, the Rector of UT said that, ”For this conference, we particularly highlight the emerging technology in open and distance education: inclusiveness, equity, and quality in education, notably in the purview of Open Distance Learning (ODL)”.
”The theme is suitable with the rapid advancement in technology for learning since there are indeed plenty of opportunities for ODL institutions to explore and expand the capability of ODL as a vehicle for inclusive and equitable education. This theme is also in line with one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations”, said the Rektor of UT when the opening ceremony in the Anvaya hotel, Bali.
Furthermore, he confirmed that ”The Open University, the pioneer of distance education in Indonesia, has served the country for 38 years. We reach out to our students throughout Indonesia and in several countries. Until 2022, we have 1.6 million alumni and have reached the unreached. Currently, with 350,000 students, UT is making every effort to provide inclusive, equitable and quality education for all,” his firmly ended the speech.
Similarly, the chairman of the committee is Prof. Daryono, SH,MA, PhD, said ”The INNODEL promotes the dissemination of innovation in ODL to open the opportunities for making ODL more effective and inclusive. The INNODEL is created for serving the forum for educators, practitioners, policymakers, and educational technology providers to share their common interests. It is undeniable that ODL whatever the format will become a major tool for human capacity building due to its quality, flexibility, and interoperability to enable facilitating the new digital learning ecosystem,” closing welcome message with enthusiasm.
Moreover, the next welcome message was delivered by Dra Dewi Artati Padmo Putri, MA, PhD, she said ”This year’s conference theme is “Emerging Technology for Open and Distance Education: Opportunity, Agility, and Adaptability”. This conference is designed as a forum for participants to share and discuss the most recent advancements and issues in the field of Open and Distance Learning (ODL)”.
”A total of 170 abstracts were submitted to the conference. We hope that you find the keynote presentations, plenary panels, paper presentations, and workshops informative. We encourage you to participate in the discussion and take advantage of the many benefits that the Conference offers and opportunities to connect and meet new friends,” thereby he ended his speech cheerfully.
Meanwhile, the INODEL committee said that in this activity the keynote and featured speakers would be, firstly, Johnny G Plate, SE., currently serves as the Minister of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia. Secondly, Benedict du Boulay is an Emeritus Professor of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Sussex, Visiting Professor at University College London and Chief Research Advisor at Educate Ventures. Thirdly, Dr. Martin Dougiamas is the founder and CEO of the open-source Moodle software project he started in 1999.
Fourth, Professor Ir. Tian Belawati, MEd, PhD has been working in the field of open and distance education (ODE) for over 30 years. Fifth, Sridhar Sunkad has led the EON Singapore operations with a successful track record of providing leadership and vision over the last 12 years. Seventh, Professor Patricia B. Arinto is former Dean of the Faculty of Education of the University of the Philippines (UP) – Open University and current Dean of UP Visayas Tacloban College.
The last but not least, Dr. Ethel Joan Atienza or Joan is a Learning Management and Implementation Specialist at the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization, Regional Center for Educational Innovation and Technology (SEAMEO INNOTECH).
Finally, at the closing ceremony, the committee said that next year INNODEL 2023 would be held in the city of Yogyakarta, is the city that maintains the concept of traditional and Javanese culture and a famous tourist destination in Indonesia. See you in Yogyakarta. May be useful.